Wednesday – 07.06.2023 (Pre-Holiday Day)
Line Up: Dr. Peacock ft. Da Mouth Of Madness * Mr. Bassmeister * Lab-E * Corruptive Chaos * Masters Of Noise * Rough Republic
Wednesday – 07.06.2023 (Pre-Holiday Day)
Line Up: Dr. Peacock ft. Da Mouth Of Madness * Mr. Bassmeister * Lab-E * Corruptive Chaos * Masters Of Noise * Rough Republic
Hardcore Gladiators – official Ruhr In Love afterparty Paul Elstak * Hatred * TerrorClown * The Motordogs * Masters of Noise * Rough Republic * Darkcontroller * Bloody Vaya * Brainrape * Emphaser * Sick Impact * Jeypieh * The Noizedizorder * Mind Trip * Effection * Noize-Maker * Sonix the Headshock * Epic Aggressive Date: […]
Buy your Pokke Herrie ticket for the best price now!
Mr. Bassmeister & TerrorClown pres. Bassterror Sunday – 30th of april 2023 Turbinenhalle 2 (side entrance), Im Lipperfeld 23, 46047 Oberhausen More than 30 Frenchcore, Terror and Uptempo DJ’s Line Up: Mr. Bassmeister * TerrorClown * Billx * Remzcore * Srb * Suicide Rage * Hatred * Dissoactive * Emphaser * Brainrape * Jeypieh * […]
Save the date for this high performance uptempo event! 11th of february 2023, Turbinenhalle/Oberhausen (GER)
The 10 Years Edition – Line Up Dr. Peacock ft. Da Mouth of Madness * Miss K8 * DRS * Ophidian * Re-Style * D-Fence * Vince * Tensor & Re-Direction * T-Junction * Thorax * Mr. Bassmeister * Lab-E * Masters Of Noise Hatred * Cryogenic * Chaotic Hostility * The Dark Horror * […]
official Ruhr In Love afterparty Die grösste und härteste Ruhr In Love afterparty findet auch 2022 traditionell in der Turbinenhalle Oberhausen statt! Die Turbinenhalle präsentiert euch in Zusammenarbeit mit A.L.E.X. Events ein internationales Hardcore Line Up zu einem fairen Preis. Hardcore Gladiators Line Up: Partyraiser The Viper Hatred TerrorClown The Wishmaster (Album Showcase) Tensor & […]
Check out the 200 BPM Promomixe by Little K and H.U.D.S ! Both Mixes are Free Downloads !