
Hardcore Gladiators 2024

 Get ready to light up the night at Turbinenhalle in Oberhausen, Germany on Saturday, July 6th, 2024! Join us for the official hardcore-afterparty, where the beats will be pumping and the energy will be electrifying!

 We’ve got an incredible lineup in store for you, featuring Partyraiser, Sakyra, TerrorClown, and a whole host of other talented artists including Tensor & Re-Direction ft. Gee MC, Masters of Noise, Rough Republic, and more!

 Doors open at 10:00 PM, so be sure to arrive early to catch all the action. Remember, you must be at least 16 years old to enter, and if you’re between 16-18 years, parental guidance is required—don’t forget your ID card!

 Score exclusive event merchandise at www.hardcore-merchandise.de and gear up for an unforgettable night of hardcore vibes and epic memories. Grab your tickets now at www.turbinenhalle.de/turbinenhalle-tickets/ for just €15,00 in presale.

 Presented by Turbinenhalle – Konzert, Discotheken & Event GmbH, this is THE hardest afterparty that you won’t want to miss. See you on the dance floor!