20:00-21:30 X-Treme
21:30-23:00 Tensor & Re-Direction
23:00-00:00 Art of Fighters
00:00-01:00 Bodyshock
01:00-02:00 Mad Dog
02:00-03:00 Paul Elstak
03:00-04:00 Partyraiser
04:00-05:00 Masters Of Noise
05:00-06:00 The Sickest Squad
06:00-07:00 Sandy Warez vs. Hardbouncer
Mc: Da Mouth of Madness
Area 2:
20:00-21:00 Little K
21:00-22:00 Miss Nightkat
22:00-23:00 Paranoid
23:00-00:00 Chok Dee
00:00-01:00 Corruptive Chaos
01:00-02:00 Minupren
02:00-03:00 Andy the Core
03:00-04:00 Hatred
04:00-05:00 SRB
05:00-05:45 TerrorClown
05:45-06:30 Synchron-X
Area 3: Hardcore Germany DJ Contest Area:
22:00-22:45 HC Instructor
22:45-23:30 Kaziloco
23:30-00:15 Ronny Rampage
00:15-01:00 F.R.X.
01:00-01:45 Deamon Noize
01:45 -02:30 GhoST
02:30-03:15 Refix
03:15-04:00 ProNut
04:00-04:45 NWO – New World Order