
Mr. Bassmeister & TerrorClown

Mr. Bassmeister & TerrorClown pres. Bassterror

Sunday – 30th of april 2023

Turbinenhalle 2 (side entrance), Im Lipperfeld 23, 46047 Oberhausen

More than 30 Frenchcore, Terror and Uptempo DJ’s

Line Up: Mr. Bassmeister * TerrorClown * Billx * Remzcore * Srb * Suicide Rage * Hatred * Dissoactive * Emphaser * Brainrape * Jeypieh * Lab-E * Sick Impact * Noize-Maker * Masters of Noise * Epic Aggressive * Mind Trip * Sonix the Headshock * Effection * Deadlock * Rough Republic * The Noizedizorder * Terreursquad * Aneuryzm * Dasha Just

Min age: 16 Years (with parental advise) ID Card is always required

Tickets: www.alex-events.net/tickets

Merchandise: www.hardcore-merchandise.de